Thank God for surgery! The only reason I finished "23 Things" is because I am stuck in a hospital room keeping an eye on my mom. Come on! It's only 4 months late.
This was an interesting process and a brilliant idea. I applaud everyone involved in this project.
I have to admit that I will probably not keep up with my blog. I would rather work on least that way I have a captive audience. ;-)
My husband and I have recently discovered a Canadian sitcom called Corner Gas. We love much that I stay up until 11 p.m. to watch it! My favorite episode is about blogging. I will leave you with a quote from Corner Gas.
"Why don't you start a blog? That way the whole world can ignore you."
It's only funny because it's true!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Thing 22
Thank you for reminding me that we need to keep informed. It is so easy to get wrapped up in the day to day business that I forget to take time to muddle through new technology. I have bookmarked the 23 things blog and plan to go back and dig deeper into some of the "things."
Things 18,19,20 & 21
I have been YouTubeing, FaceBooking and WebJunction-ing for years. I also am LinkedIn. I like to keep my professional networking separate from my personal social networking. Believe you me, my coworkers do not need to see the nonsense on my FaceBook page!
Things 16-17
I would have killed for the assignment calculator in college. I'm going to try and find a way to make this program work in my professional life.
ELM is a wonderful benefit to all libraries in MN. There must be a better way of promoting this to our patrons.
ELM is a wonderful benefit to all libraries in MN. There must be a better way of promoting this to our patrons.
Thing 15 - Games
Games absolutely belong in the library! I have enjoyed watching libraries move in this direction.
Personally, however, I am not into online gaming and would prefer to get out of my chair and move around.
Personally, however, I am not into online gaming and would prefer to get out of my chair and move around.
Things 13 and 14
I always love the thought of increasing productivity!! Backpack looks interesting. I will definitely take more time to dig deeper into that in the near future.
The director brought Library Thing to my attention a while ago. Very cool! I especially love reading a review of someone who didn't like a book.
The director brought Library Thing to my attention a while ago. Very cool! I especially love reading a review of someone who didn't like a book.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Thing 10 - Wikis
Wikis? I'm not sure about wikis. They are a decent way to communicate while keeping all conversations central, but it seems a little archaic. I like the edit feature, but it seems to cause problems. One of the wikis I visited noted that vandalism has caused them to create new procedures around editing. Four years ago I started promoting library programs on a local home school organization's wiki. It was often outdated. I'm not sure anyone looked at it.
Thing 9 - Collaboration
Interesting concept! I love the idea of using this to share docs and allow others to make edits.
Unfortunately, I am not just "word processing". The program I use most (Quark) is not supported by Zoho Writer - I didn't have time to try Google docs. Word processing programs don’t have the design elements that I need. I can definitely see the value, though!
Unfortunately, I am not just "word processing". The program I use most (Quark) is not supported by Zoho Writer - I didn't have time to try Google docs. Word processing programs don’t have the design elements that I need. I can definitely see the value, though!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Thing 7 - Communication Tools
I am all about effective communication! However, (I hate to say this out loud and sound so old!) I am a bit concerned that these tools are ruining our language.
I like the idea of web conferencing, but I like leaving my office more.
I like the idea of web conferencing, but I like leaving my office more.
Thing 6: Image Generator

It is my job to create graphics and logos for projects. Although I think these tools are fun, I'm not sure that they are worthy of professional use.
You get almost no creative license with the online generators and if everyone used these nothing would be original. From a marketing/advertising perspective, it is much more importatnt to create original work from scratch.
I'm not saying I am against trading cards or the other stuff. As a matter of fact I created trading cards for our library's mascot a few years ago. They have been well recieved by all. I just think that people are bombarded by a great deal of information these days and your message better be original and creative or it isn't getting through.
Thing 4

Before I move to Thing 4 I have one last comment about RSS feeds... I do not have time to check one more location during my daily information gathering! I assumed that Bloglines would shoot me an e-mail when the info I want is updated. Is this an option? Did I miss it? Do I really need to go to one more site?
On to thing 4...Flickr...
I love this stuff! I'm kind of nosey by nature and love to look at other people's photos. I have an account with Facebook and Shutterfly so opted out of Flickr. Like I said above, I do not need another account out there. Facebook and Shutterfly have helped me stay in touch with Friends all over the world in an effiecent manner. It is also a great way to share photos with friends and family. I created a photo book in Shutterfly for my mom's 50th birthday. It was so easy and a great way to preserve memories! Plus, it made her cry...the reaction I was looking for.
I haven't found a way to use these sites for my job, but I will keep my mind open to it.
On to thing 4...Flickr...
I love this stuff! I'm kind of nosey by nature and love to look at other people's photos. I have an account with Facebook and Shutterfly so opted out of Flickr. Like I said above, I do not need another account out there. Facebook and Shutterfly have helped me stay in touch with Friends all over the world in an effiecent manner. It is also a great way to share photos with friends and family. I created a photo book in Shutterfly for my mom's 50th birthday. It was so easy and a great way to preserve memories! Plus, it made her cry...the reaction I was looking for.
I haven't found a way to use these sites for my job, but I will keep my mind open to it.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thing 3...RSS
There is nothing more frustrating than technology crapping out! I set aside time to learn more about RSS feeds, went to Bloglines and registered for items of interest...only to receive an error message on their end. I don't have time for this!
I went back and tried again. Now it says that I am already signed up. Who knows if it worked or not. I guess I will find out sooner or later.
It's late Friday afternoon...uuugh! Monday I will be really excited to use this feature on our e-board! For now, tired and cranky.
I went back and tried again. Now it says that I am already signed up. Who knows if it worked or not. I guess I will find out sooner or later.
It's late Friday afternoon...uuugh! Monday I will be really excited to use this feature on our e-board! For now, tired and cranky.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Thing 2
Library 2.0...random thoughts
I can’t seem to get past this silly label. I know we're talking technology, but can't we come up with something less nerdy? Libraries are always changing. This isn't the second incarnation.
Besides, L2 seems so yesterday. Maybe we can call it Library 2000? We have been doing this stuff for years. We have coffee shops, we offer free computer classes led by staff, we spend $$ on technology.
I love that technology allows improvement for two-way communication. There is an ongoing trend with businesses encouraging the end-user to create their own products--Jones Soda, Shutterfly, M&Ms, U.S. postage. Why not get on board?
Our frontline staff members are the face of our organization. We should highlight a few of them with blogs! Patrons could not only interact with staff on-line, but they would recognize them when they come in the buildings also. This would build a level of comfort and possibly lessen the intimidation factor some have with librarians.
I think this course will empower staff to interact with technology users while feeling confident in their knowledge. I hope a great number of people are using it!
I can’t seem to get past this silly label. I know we're talking technology, but can't we come up with something less nerdy? Libraries are always changing. This isn't the second incarnation.
Besides, L2 seems so yesterday. Maybe we can call it Library 2000? We have been doing this stuff for years. We have coffee shops, we offer free computer classes led by staff, we spend $$ on technology.
I love that technology allows improvement for two-way communication. There is an ongoing trend with businesses encouraging the end-user to create their own products--Jones Soda, Shutterfly, M&Ms, U.S. postage. Why not get on board?
Our frontline staff members are the face of our organization. We should highlight a few of them with blogs! Patrons could not only interact with staff on-line, but they would recognize them when they come in the buildings also. This would build a level of comfort and possibly lessen the intimidation factor some have with librarians.
I think this course will empower staff to interact with technology users while feeling confident in their knowledge. I hope a great number of people are using it!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
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